
9.11 A SEED NIGHT vol.39

Sat 11th Sep.
at SOCRATES Demachiyanagi Kyoto

Start 6:30pm
Charge Free!!! 無料!!!


LORENZO SENNI (from Milan, Italy)

Lorenzo Senni (b. 1983) is a multidisciplinary artist and composer residing in Milan. He studies Musicology at Alma Mater Studiorum University in Bologna and he is author of electronic audio works. Using Max/msp, Supercollider and different kind of real time digital sound synthesis he spits out an abstract stream of extreme computer music. Now he is involved in computer music and soundscape studies. His research interests include algorithmic methods in the arts. He has toured throughout Europe and he is just planning an Asian Tour. He collaborates with theatre companies as Orthographe and Pathosformel and supported concerts by KTL, John Wiese, EVOL, Dave Phillips.
He is founder of Presto!?, label focused on the "New-Sounds" of the contemporary music scene who collaborated with artists such as Carl Michael Von Hausswolff, Marcus Schmickler, John Wiese, Lasse Marhaug, Alberto De Campo, Werner Dafeldecker, EVOL, Lawrence English, John Hudak, just to name a few.

ロレンツォ・セニ (1983年生まれ) はミラノ在住のアーティストで作曲家。ボローニャの Alma Mater Studiorum大学で音楽学を学び、エレクトロニック・オーディオの創作をしている。 Max/mspやSupercolliderやデジタル音を使い、コンピュータミュージックやサウンドスケープの潮流を作り出している。彼はアートにアルゴリズム理論(アート的目的と、生楽器やライブエレクトロニクスによる即興との相互作用を促すプログラミング)を持ち込む事を探究している。デンマークの"Hurra Day"、ミュンヘンの "SpielArt"、ボローニャの "Iceberg"、ロッテルダムの "De Internationale Keuze Festival" などなど、ヨーロッパで活躍している。また Orthographe やPathosformelの劇場会社と共同制作したり、KTL、John Wiese、EVOL、Dave Phillipsらによってコンサートを企画されている。かれは現代音楽の「新しい音」を中心にしたレーベル "Presto!?"を作り、Mattin、Carl Michael Von Hausswolff、Marcus Schmickler、John
Wiese、Lasse Marhaug、Alberto De Campo、Werner Dafeldecker、EVOL、Lawrence English、JohnHudak たちと共同制作をしてきた。今回ロレンツォ・セニは、「Dunno」のレコ発ツアーのため初来日する。

KRIS ROCHE (from Boston, US)

If you’re ever strolling through the Boston Commons on a sunny day, you may hear some irresistible acoustic pop coming out of a battery-powered amplifier. And if you’re lucky—it may be the music of Kris Roche. The son of wayfaring hippies, one from New York, one from Tokyo, Kris moved to Boston at age 19 and has been making a name for himself ever since. One part Jason Mraz, one part Jack Johnson, and one part playing the hell out the guitar like it was a djembe, his music is fun but sensible, sing-along-able but honest. His new EP Anything But Alone is due out this summer, and the heartfelt tunes could make you do a lot of things. Dance. Sway. Listen. Think. Just don’t forget to tip the man when you see him out on the Commons.

Zac Taylor The Groove



We are from Hyogo, JAPAN. We are against animal cruelty in any form.


piu mosso! are

non garage

non band

non art

non music

from matsuyama 2006
to kyoto 2010

DJ SEEAANN ROOEE (from London, UK)

Sean Roe (Performance / Video/ Photography)

Sseeaann Rrooee Music/Sound Installation. (also performs on Bass+Flute+ Electric Trumpet and Electronics)

MALAWICOB collaboration with Jeff Bell (Jet Vel)

AMALSのSKCAJ collaboration with Andrew Couzens more details here http://amalls-no-skcaj.blogspot.com/

DJing as DJ AFRIphoniCAAAA

Jun Kroom Curating Exhibitions/Performance Events/Concerts

Please see my Blog for details of future events http://junkroomkyoto.blogspot.com/

Record Collector and organiser of "Outsider's Record Fair" details about the collection and upcoming events here http://junkroomrecords.blogspot.com/

Based in Kyoto and London

ショーンローは1963年イギリスのクローリー生まれ。彼はマルチメディアアーティスト、ミュージシャンとキュレーター2006年京都に移住。ロンドンでは Goldsmiths College(LondonUniversity) andatMiddlesexUniversityで美術を学ぶ。彼は広く英国、欧州、日本、で展示とパフォーマンスを行い大学、ギャリー、アートセンターでワークショップを実施した。最近は音楽やパフォーマンスを通じてパレスチナ人の窮状についての意識を高めるForGazaも日本各所で企画し、講義、討論を行っている。


tel : 075-254-6210
447-14 Kajii-cho, Plantan Bld. B1-C, Imadegawa Dori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto


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